Program Schedule
Children can start preschool at Happy Corner in September of the year they turn three years old. For information about class observations, please see the Registration page. The following gives parents an idea of how Happy Corner runs. For more information, send us an email at !
TEDDY BEARS (3-4 year olds)
- Tuesday & Thursday mornings 9:15am – 11:45am
- Max. 14 children (2 Adults on-site)
- Monthly Fees: $287 per child per month for 2024-25 (fees are subject to change)
- Non-helper families: $35 per month on top of tuition
CATERPILLARS (4-5 year olds)
- Monday, Wednesday, Friday mornings 9:15am – 12:00pm
- Max. 16 children (3 Adults on-site)
- Monthly Fees: $317 per child per month for 2024-2025 (fees are subject to change)
- Non-helper families: $35 per month on top of tuition
Flow of a Typical Day
While children at Happy Corner engage in lots of spontaneous, open-ended play; we have created a dependable daily routine to foster security and build independence. Times below are generic and should only be used to get a general sense of how a normal day will flow for your child at HCP.
9:15am: Arrive, children are greeted individually and hang coats, wash hands
9:20am: Circle time including special welcome songs, puzzles, stories, and discussion about the day to come.
9:40am: Daily special activities such as art, projects, science experiments, etc.
10:00am: Free play
10:45am: Snack time
11:10am: Second circle for songs, stories and games
11:30am: Children are invited to play outside in our private garden until they are picked up (weather depending)
School Events & Activities
Every year at Happy Corner our families get to enjoy scheduled activities that take place outside of regular classes. Some of these events are long held traditions that correspond to the season and other events change from year to year. When we find we have a real hit – like Forest Day – we turn it into a tradition. Below are some examples of our school events.
To prepare for Halloween, families get together in costumes to carve pumpkins. Before the carving begins pumpkins are hidden in our Butterfly Garden and children get to find them. Once the pumpkins are carved, they are put on display outside with candles to light them up. Then we enjoy a spooky sing-along circle time. - FAMILY ICE SKATING
At Christmas time we rent out an ice arena and get the Happy Corner families from both classes together for a morning of skating and other fun on the ice rink. Afterward we sing carols, toast the coming New Year, and say goodbye for the holidays. - SCIENCE FAIR
Our science Fair is a wonderful learning event that takes place on the weekend when the preschool is transformed into a whimsical laboratory. Children move around to different stations to conduct experiments and learn basic scientific concepts with their families. - FOREST DAYS
On a Forest Day, the Happy Corner classroom moves outside to the Renfrew Ravine, which is within walking distance of our school. Children get to enjoy the fresh air and learn about plants and wildlife. Even though the location is surrounded by an urban landscape, it is the only park in Vancouver with a creek in a natural ravine. Forest Days generally happens once a month for the Caterpillar (4 year olds) class.
There are many other extracurricular events happening at Happy Corner throughout the year. In addition to our meetings and parent duty days, these gatherings provide us with additional opportunities to build connections and learn from one another as families.
Parent Involvement: What does it involve
What makes Happy Corner so special is the relationships that is built here between the children, the parents and the teachers. Being involved in a Parent Involvement Preschool (PIP) means that you not only have the opportunity to become part of a caring and intentional community of parents, but you also to have a direct impact on your children’s learning environment through your active involvement in the classroom, in fundraising and in the general running of the school. A requirement for parents of the PIP model is to attend regularly scheduled Parent Education Talks. These events are where we showcase Early Childhood Educators and/or leaders in child development, all of whom offer information and a different perspective to help nurture your own growth and development as a parent.
This is an overview of how you are required to help during the year:
This is a chance to join your little one in their class. For the kids, being a duty day child is always a great joy as they have a special role. Duty parents help with setup and clean-up, assist with transitions, and supervise & support the children in their play and learning. These are typically scheduled every 4-6 weeks. If your schedule prevents you, or another caregiver (grandparent, nanny) from being a parent helper, we have an option to opt-out. Please send us an e-mail for the details.
There are 4 general meetings & parent education talks per year, which at least one (1) family representative must attend. This is a great opportunity to listen to high caliber speakers who talk on a variety of parenting and child development topics. The general meetings follow these talks and cover general business of the school. These are held on the second Wednesday of the month and begin at 7PM.
Each family will be assigned a job for the year to help with the running of the school. Some example of the available jobs are: Laundry, Duty day scheduler or Garden clean up. This could also mean taking a leadership role on the Executive committee. We do our best to match families up with jobs that are a good fit for each family.
Participation is required in 2-3 fundraising events during the year. These are a great way to connect with the other families in the Happy Corner community and further support your child’s ongoing education.
This involves participation in an evening orientation session in September and full participation in the first two days of gradual entry to the preschool in September. Other ways to complete your hours are included in the parent orientation manual.
Each family must help with one toy-wash and occasional furniture moves per year. These are typically scheduled on weekends in Sept, Jan and Apr.
Questions? See our FAQs or Contact Us
– Kathy S.